Soldier boy

ben morgan

oh my , my , no one's on my side
too paranoid to listen to me
you can cast me out , you can tape my mouth
but you can't get a stone to bleed
and it all adds up
and it all adds up
you know I love it when you say you're afraid
but you hate it when I'm making you shake
hang the truth from a noose
put a hit man on the loose
now you're counting on him making your day
there ain't no magic bullet
there's no cure for the weak
there's no sympathetic shoulder here to put you to sleep
you're a long , long way from where you thought you would be
every murder has a motive but you ain't killin' me
and it all adds up
and it all adds up

After the fall

the man that butcher had disturbed and brought back to the world , was not the same selfish , entitled prick that had been lost to it centuries ago …this one was much worse.he was a literal ticking time bomb , festering with lethal aggression that was set off by the slightest inconvenience … spilled blood whenever he felt like it.innocent or not.the scent of it alone enough to send him spiraling into an unhinged , primal rage that few could pull him out of.after his descent from the window of vought tower , causing an explosion that rocked the city … ben found himself once again thrown into the depths of unconsciousness.despised across the nation , accused of treason …
blamed for a crime he didn't commit.
the death of queen maevevought doing what they did best.manipulating and misleading the public , covering up their fuck up with more lies.he'd fallen into the hands of people far better than his previous captors , but still far from good people that would use him for anything other than a weapon.a homelander fail-safe ⸺ if it came to that , the lunatic growing more unhinged by the day.soldier boy seemingly the only one that stood any chance against him.scared him.after months of nothing but dead ends , close friends and loved ones finally tracked him down.helped him escape.but he no longer dawns the iconic emerald mantle of soldier boy ⸺ the legacy of the legendary supe retired , laid to rest on his terms.appearance altered to remain anonymous , poster boy supe turned supe hunting vigilante ⸺hell bent on dismantling vought by any means necessary.

revenge is my name
and i'm here to save my name .

The past

not long after taking the first dose of dr. vought's compound v serum , ben was called to the front lines to help the war efforts.and thus , soldier boy was unstoppable force that helped turn the tides of the war.he fought along side countless brave men , his brothers.he held them in his arms as they laid dying, ushered him their thanks and final words … requests to give to their wives , mothers , sons , daughters .loved ones .the compound v flowing through his veins gifted him with powers the likes of which the world had never seen before .his strength was unmatched ⸺ he could cripple tanks with a single punch , rip planes apart as if they were fragile as paper … and tear a man apart in mere seconds.his sense of smell was ten times stronger than a bloodhound's , able to stay on a scent as minimal as a single drop of blood for several miles unhindered … it was even strong enough to pick up on the pheromones given off by certain emotions. able to tell if someone was lying … able to tell just how scared someone was .his hearing became extremely sensitive ⸺ and ben could hear a whisper clear as day up to several hundred yards away . that made getting information about enemy movements a breeze , and the camp never suffered a single ambush while he was there . just like a deer , he could hear the second an enemy solider carelessly stepped on a twig several yards away .his vision was enhanced to the point that he could see in the dark almost better than he could during the day . sneaking up on the enemy had never been easier ⸺ they couldn't see him , but he could see them … and the land mines they planted to avoid this very thing . landmines that other soldiers couldn't see that would normally have cost them dearly and gave away their position .his durability was unbelievable. bullets that pierced flesh , ricocheted right off of him … grenades and artillery shells that dismembered and disemboweled , merely threw him a few feet … and blades that could slice through bone , broke the moment they made contact with his skin .with these powers , ben became unstoppable .a one man armyand america went on to win the war without anymore major casualties .soldier boy started out as a good man … loyal to his country , to his brothers in arms , to the good fight .but like any good thing , vought saw an opportunity to profit off of him , sunk their claws right into him … poisoned him .knocked him off that path of good , sent him right down the one of evil … and he lost his way .loyal soldier turned unhinged monster.

Main relationships

Loved ones

Camille Beaumont


after finding out that crimson countess never truly loved him , ben found himself without a purpose , a reason to really live.until he met camille … the only light in his black thing led to another , days turned into weeks , weeks to months ⸺ and they fell in love.real love , not scripted , forced , or fake ⸺ real lovethe one thing they both wanted , needed.both of them can't wait until the day they leave vought behind them for good ⸺ settle down , start a family.actually liveand ben will never stop fighting to give camille everything she deserves and more.

Vincent dawson


vincent and ben have a lot of history together ⸺ their first meeting had been a fight that left both of them a lot worse for wear … and it wasn't the only one they had.seemingly at each other's throats almost constantly.both of them found themselves thrown in between the feud between the boys and the seven ⸺ tasked with one goal.taking down homelandera goal that actually made them grow closer the further they got toward it , a goal they'd narrowly accomplished , before butcher fucked everything up … vincent ending up on the wrong side of those laser eyes , and ben was lost to the world.seemingly vaporized by the explosion he caused.but months later , vincent was the one that found ben after the fall … and through his seemingly never ending patience , managed to pull him back on the right path.maybe to even possible redemption.if anyone heard the way he bickered with the lieutenant , they'd assume that he hated him … but there really isn't anyone else he would trust to fight by his side than him , his fellow soldier.his brother in arms.but now , vincent has become the one who's lost his way … and ben is going to be there every step of the way to help him find it again .if he doesn't lose himself as well …

Queen maeve


not long after finding out about homelander , ben was introduced to queen maeve ⸺ another in the sea of people john had abused and mistreated.but none had been as wronged and mistreated as her ⸺ and none had to put up with it as long as she had.and when maeve felt she could finally trust him , ben was introduced to the product of that abuse.his granddaughter , flora.but she was so much more than that ⸺ she wasn't lost and unhinged like ryan was , she was still pure … innocent.and ben would protect her with his life ⸺ even from her own father if it came to that.




there is a long list of people who want soldier boy dead … but at the top of that list … is dallas .vought's resident bounty hunter who managed to track ben down at a low point in his life after his glamorous career as vought's poster boy ⸺ now branded a traitor … found him living off the streets just trying to get by … like a wounded dog … and dallas was determined to put him down like one .he'd stolen food one too many times … foolishly created a pattern that dallas caught onto immediately .but what put ben on the gunslinger's radar in the first place ⸺ was the disappearances of vought's vital assets .supes in development , stores of compound v , technology , anything with vought's name on it ⸺ he dismantled .and of course vought couldn't have that , so they stuck their favorite lapdog on him immediately ⸺ a fight broke out and in ben's weakend condition , dallas easily came out on top .until , he came in contact with ben's deadly defense mechanism ⸺ and he got away , but dallas tracked him down only a few days later and another fight broke out .and this time , ben won ⸺ but dallas got away .and ben is eager to settle the score … with blood.



the first time he met homelander , ben wasn't impressed in the slightest … he thought john was a cheap fuckin' knockoff and nothing more.but , upon hunting down mindstorm … he found out some interesting information.turns out , john was his son , his replacement … the whole reason he'd been thrown to the russains … left to rot.and that , didn't make ben happy in the slightest.he always wanted kids of his own , wanted to raise them right ⸺ and he'd been wrongfully ripped away from john … who ended up growing into a complete failure , a disgrace ⸺ unworthy of his legacy …a disappointment.